Spray water extinguishing systems
Fire protection system with open nozzles
Stationary spray water extinguishing systems are permanently installed systems with open nozzles that use water as an extinguishing agent
They can be activated manually and/or automatically. An additional mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical triggering system is required for automatic activation.
Design and operation of a spray water extinguishing system
All buildings, rooms and items to be protected are covered by a depressurized network of pipes and open extinguishing nozzles. The nozzles do not have a release element and work as a group. Consequently, selective fire extinguishing is not possible. The water hits the nozzles’ spray plates and is distributed over the entire area. At the same time, local alarm installations are triggered by the water flowing through the network of pipes and a message is sent to a permanently manned unit, normally the fire brigade. Once the fire has been brought under control, the system can immediately be made operational again (manual process). With automatic extinguishing systems, this depends on the triggering system used.
Highlights of spray water extinguishing systems
- High availability of extinguishing agent (water) at low cost
- Simple, robust and cost-effective equipment
- Highly reliable protection of people, rooms and installations
- Applications include buildings, rooms and items with a very high fire load density, and materials that enable a fire to spread very quickly such as stages, refuse pits, power stations, chip silos, etc.
Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579