Fire Protection Soulutions Header Service
24/7 emergency service

Extinguishing systems: Service / Emergency Service

Customer service around the clock

Fire Protection Solutions Brandschutz Feuerschutz Calanbau Ebbecke Schöneck 1.08.2018 62 800x534We accompany our clients from consultation to installation – and beyond. With a nationwide presence with 24 offices, 24-hour on-call 365 days a year, together with a service hotline, we are always near and can be rapidly on site. The service vehicles of our different branches all carry common spare parts on board. Other replacement parts are available from storage. Detailed archiving of all system-relevant data enables us to offer short reaction times.

Disruptions and emergencies do not adhere to business hours! We carry out all services for you so that you can fully concentrate on your core business! Good service and maintenance extend the life expectancy of your fire protection systems. We support you – true to our motto:

Fire Protection Solutions Brandschutz Feuerschutz Anne Stolz 1Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579