Sprinkler Maintenance Training
Sprinkler Maintenance Personnel Course in accordance with VdS directive
A fire not only threatens the life and limb of all staff, it generally also has disastrous financial consequences. For this reason, it is imperative that your sprinkler system is subjected to constant certification and inspection by sprinkler maintenance personnel, who can also carry out the specific checks required by VdS.
In this regard, we would be happy to support you by providing you with our sprinkler maintenance personnel training courses on a regular basis. The “Sprinkler Maintenance Personnel” course is intended for all persons tasked with the care and control of water extinguishing and sprinkler systems. Over two days, course participants receive instruction from our experienced speakers; and this involves a mixture of theory and practice.
In order to ensure maximum safety at your company, the topics addressed include:
- The basics of a sprinkler system
- Major components of the sprinkler system
- Technical insurance issues
- Maintaining availability
The second day features the practical part, which involves a detailed site inspection and practical exercises carried out using our own sprinkler system in Sarstedt.
This training is only available in German.
Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579