Spark extinguishing systems – safety for your production
SparkEx®: the fire protection solution for the risk of flying sparks
Production installations harbour a significant risk of fire and explosion, owing to the processing of combustible materials.
Particularly susceptible in this regard are dust and swarf hoppers, filter systems and production machinery.
This is the case in the following sectors, for example:
- Furniture industry / wood processing plants
- Wood flour industry
- Pulp industry
- Rubber industry
- Tyre industry
- Asphalt Mixing Plants
- Chemical industry
- Food industry
- Textile industry
Impurities in the material to be conveyed or else caused by the upstream processing machines may lead to sparks that then trigger a fire or explosion. In turn, this can bring about hazards to human life and serious damage. Fire protection for this type of risk is implemented within pneumatic extraction and conveyor units by means of a Gottschalk spark extinguishing system.
Any sparks created will be detected immediately after formation while still within the conveyor; this is accomplished by our highly sensitive wireless detectors, whereby an alarm will then be sent to the fire alarm system. This unit is at the core of the spark extinguishing system. It handles the triggering of the spark extinguishing system, the alarm message, the spark count, as well as machinery shut-down, if needed. This unit also contains extensive test devices, as well as an emergency power supply.
The actual extinguishing of the shower of sparks is carried out by the spark extinguishing system. This produces a fine spray, which fills the entire cross section of the conveyor, thus clearing the shower of sparks. Here, the amount of water required is kept so low that there is no bonding of the material to be conveyed. The amount of fire water required is supplied by means of a pressure booster system or else via our own connectors, which link to an existing sprinkler system. Additional facilities such as pipe heating, alarm devices, a header tank and installation materials are included in our extinguishing system, depending on the design.
Videos about SparkEx® Spark Extinguishing System
For comprehensive information about SparkEx®, please visit: www.funken-loeschanlage.de
Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579