Certified and DBI-approved as installer of sprinkler systems
22 März 2019Calanbau Brandschutzanlagen certified as DBI-approved installer of sprinkler systems
Calanbau already received the DBI-approved installer of sprinkler systems certificate back in 2016
Calanbau is considered as the first German company to be certified by DBI.
With Calanbau, Fire Protection Solutions has been working on projects in Germany, Poland, Austria and Denmark. While the VdS Schadenverhütung granted the certificates in the fire protection field for the first three countries, the Dansk Brandog sikringsteknisk Institut (DBI) is in charge for them in Denmark.
The DBI specifies the quality standards in the aforementioned field and has published multiple guidelines which have to be followed in order to be certified. You can take a look at the guidelines on the Danish Homepage; unfortunately, they’re not available in English.
After a thorough audit, Calanbau was certified a DBI-approved installer of sprinkler systems in 2016. They’re the first German Company to be granted such approval. DBI conducts annual follow-ups in which they check, if all the guidelines are still being met. For the case they are not, the certificate will be withdrawn.
You can take a look at the Danish certificate right here.
Anne Stolz
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Brandschutzanlagen GmbH
Marienburgstraße 35
64297 Darmstadt
T: +49 (0)69 5005-1579
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